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As we approach our study of the Book of Revelation, let us study this prophecy in a way that is consistent with the principles of prophecy that can be learned ...
[6] Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Jesus says that in the kingdom of God, justice will finally be fulfilled ...
May 27, 2008 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... ( lihat Ayub 38-41). Ayub belajar banyak dari perjumpaannya ...
Saya mengusulkan S. R. Driver, The Book of Genesis (15th edition), with ... BA 38 (1975):62-72; and William H. Shea, ??Esther and History,?? AUSS 14 ...
... Book of Revelation) is recorded in chapter 1 – our text for today. My ... 38 Even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night and finds them ...
Apr 11, 2012 · Orang-orang Kristen duniawi tidak memiliki visi selain hanya mengejar ambisi atau urusan pribadi mereka sendiri. Yohanes 4:34-38 Kata Yesus ...
Mar 1, 2006 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... 1D. 1 Cor 14:37-38/2 Petrus 3:16/Efesus 2:20. 14:37 Jika ...
In 1 Kings 18:32-38, Elijah built an altar and offered sacrifices ... By Philip Schaff, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1952, I, CCEL Edition v0.
Mar 8, 2006 · Menyedihkan untuk dikatakan, para burung lebih peka dari orangtua manusia. Teman bersayap kita tahu tujuan membesarkan anak mereka untuk ...
May 16, 2005 · The grave cannot praise you. (Isa. 38:18). Ini merupakan motif umum dalam Alkitab Ibrani. Sang nabi bermaksud mengatakan kalau orang mati dalam ...