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... menolak. “apakah yang harus kujawab kepada mereka? Firman Allah kepada Musa ... books into One Book. This Book tells of the ways in which God revealed ...
Mar 31, 2006 · Walau raja memerintahkan semua warganya menunjukan hormat pada Haman, Mordekai menolak, yang membuat pelayan raja menegurnya. Saat ditegur, dia ...
Through this paper, various views about the identity of Melchizedek will be discussed, especially his function in light of the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12- ...
In John 17, we get to hear the heart of Jesus as He prayed for those He was about to leave behind at the end of His earthly ministry. Put yourself with the ...
Jul 31, 2007 · (4) Kejadian 14:17-24. Ujian: Abraham memberikan persepuluhan jarahan kepada raja Salem yang saleh, Melkisedek, dan menolak pemberian raja Sodom ...
Mar 2, 2006 · Betapa sering kita begitu rohani namun tidak lama kemudian menolak kemahakuasaan dan kedaulatan Tuhan melalui apa yang kita pikirkan, atau ...
(Cp. Gen. 41:46; Ul. 1:38; 10:8; 1 Sam. 16:21f.; 1 Raj 17:1; 18:15; 2 Raj 3:14, etc.) lari dari hadapanNya = menolak melayani ...
17:10,11). He is known in Greece as Adonis, which is very similar to the Egyptian Osiris. This was the male lover of Aphrodite who was killed by wild boars and ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
Mar 2, 2006 · Jemaat itu dibangun dan hidup dalam takut akan Tuhan. Jumlahnya makin bertambah besar oleh pertolongan dan penghiburan Roh Kudus. (cf. 19:17).