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... Book, for it is a collection of sixty-six ancient Books. Moreover, this unique collection of Books is bound together by a central theme and a unity of ...
This statement raises a couple of questions. First, does Jesus believe that the unnegated protasis is true (a prophet is without honor in his own hometown)? ...
Mar 2, 2006 · Tentang Para martir dan kematian Stefanus, kita membaca: “Dia tertidur” (Acts 7:60). Saat Rasul Paulus masih hidup, dia berkata tentang 500 ...
2. 부분 영감론- 성경은 하나님의 말씀은 포함하고있으나 그것들을 찾기 위해서는 구별( 비신화화) 되어져야 한다. 다른 부분은 완전히 인간이며 오류가 있을 수 있다.
A Precious Word from God. I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.
59-60. Pengertian Praktis dari Pengabdian. Fred Craddock, menujukan kepada ... mulia. Tepat ketika terdengar teriakan yang hingar bingar ketika seorang ...
Kita bisa putus asa. janganlah anggap enteng didikan Tuhan, dan janganlah putus asa apabila engkau diperingatkan-Nya (Hebrews 12:5). Kata Yunaninya ekluo„ dan ...
Feb 8, 2005 · Kami yakin ia menulis Injil pada usia 60an. Tigapuluh tahun kemudian setelah menggembalakan jemaat di Asia Kecil, bahasa Yohanes bisa saja ...
However, the Spirit can't force us to grow. We must be active in our dependent faith. Foster notes, “God has given us the disciplines of the spiritual life as a ...
... mulia untuk bertindak berdasarkan kehidupan baru yang telah kita terima dalam Kristus. ... What book or books of the Old Testament are covered in each division?