This essay is a slightly expanded version of a chapter in a book on Messianic Congregations to be published by Zondervan in their “Counterpoints” series ...
members of God's household , 20 because you have been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets , with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone .
11 This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord , 12 in whom we have boldness and confident access to God by way of ...
11 Therefore remember that formerly you , the Gentiles in the flesh —who are called “ uncircumcision ” by the so-called “ circumcision ” that is performed ...
3 For this reason I , Paul , the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles 2 if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was ...
... with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone . 21 In him the whole building , being joined together , grows into a holy temple in the Lord ...
28 The Lord 's message came to me: 2 “ Son of man , say to the prince of Tyre , ' This is what the Sovereign Lord says : “'Your heart is proud and you said ...
20 The Lord 's message came to me: 21 “ Son of man , turn toward Sidon and prophesy against it. 22 Say , ' This is what the Sovereign Lord says :.
Paperback, $26.00. Book Reviews. /i> By Benjamin L. Gladd and Matthew S ... 35">John 3:35). The third chapter of John's gospel records Jesus' discourse ...
5 Therefore , be imitators of God as dearly loved children 2 and live in love , just as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us , a sacrificial and ...