Whoever receives a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward . 42 And whoever gives only a cup of cold water ...
For apart from the law , sin is dead . 9 And I was once alive apart from the law , but with the coming of the commandment , sin became alive 10 and I died . So ...
He eats pagan sacrifices on the mountains , defiles his neighbor's wife , 12 oppresses the poor and the needy , commits robbery , does not give back what was ...
11 But now Christ has come as the high priest of the good things to come . He passed through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands , that is ...
9 I am telling the truth in Christ (I am not lying!) , for my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit — 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my ...
48 I am the bread of life . ... 49 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness , and they died . 50 This is the bread that has come down from heaven , so that ...
49. Introduction to Doctrine, Theological Hierarchy by Emery Nester; 19. The ... Exploring the Riches of the Book of Romans (Romans 1-16) by Bob Deffinbaugh ...
48 I am the bread of life . ... 49 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness , and they died . 50 This is the bread that has come down from heaven , so that ...
3 Now the serpent was shrewder than any of the wild animals that the Lord God had made . He said to the woman , “Is it really true that God said , 'You must ...
Bisakah Kita Percaya Pada Keabadian? by Lehman Strauss; 3. The Two Women ... edition are numbered 1–49 respectively.} IV. The Fourth Commandment and the ...