... book of the Bible--the Book of Revelation. I encourage you to ask God to ... 16 Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof ...
Feb 28, 2006 · Karena bila Ia mengasihi kita sepenuhnya—dan sesungguhnya Ia sudah melakukannya—pastilah itu merupakan kasih yang berakar di dalam kemurahan-Nya ...
Ezekiel's temple is symbolic of YHWH's return to Palestine and His fulfillment of the covenant promises of the Mosaic covenant. Notice in context that this ...
Matt 5:13–16; Luke 4:16–30; Matt 7:6). In summary, the following are noteworthy: (1) Jesus had no mission to the Gentiles; his mission was directed toward ...
Scripture tells us that both the fallen world in which we live and our enemy, Satan, influence us to live contrary to biblical principles. But another major ...
The prologue does all of these. It is a single, powerful sentence which highlights major topics of the book. After reading through it we understand in summary ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
[6] Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Jesus says that in the kingdom of God, justice will finally be fulfilled ...
Apr 11, 2006 · Saya tahu pasti bahwa saya telah menjadi milik Kristus karena saya telah percaya kepada Yesus Kristus sebagai satu-satunya Juruselamat pribadi ...
Mar 8, 2006 · 16:30). Dia dibedakan sebagai orang yang paling jahat yang pernah memerintah atas Israel sampai saat ini. Kita bisa memperkirakan apa saja bisa ...