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Jesus did nothing on His own; He acted only as the Father desired and enabled (John 5:19-30). ... As Jesus faced the greater demands of His messianic ministry, He ...
En réfléchissant aux bénédictions de Jacob, nous trouvons que chacune d'elles était liée au passé. Les bénédictions de Ruben, Siméon, et Levi, étaient basées ...
The books by Carson and Strauss defend the possibility of certain kinds of gender sensitive translations as a matter of translation theory. The book by ...
... Book of Revelation) is recorded in chapter 1 – our text for today. My intention is to summarize the way the four Gospels of the New Testament comment on the ...
A Precious Word from God. I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.
Apr 20, 2005 · Tapi, jika ada penulis injil yang menggunakan motif ini pastilah Matius bukan Markus. Kedua, ada banyak materi—dan materi yang sangat kaya— ...
Tetapi jikalau orang fasik bertobat dari segala dosa yang dilakukannya dan berpegang pada segala ketetapan-Ku serta melakukan keadilan dan kebenaran, ia pasti ...
It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
前言很多年前當我仍是一名神學生,我曾上Dr. Haddon Robinson任教的講道的課。Dr. Robinson教授繪影繪聲地談到我們需要更新和有創意,不要流於死板。
Saya mengusulkan S. R. Driver, The Book of Genesis (15th edition), with ... 49, Ul 32,33, Pentateuch secara keseluruhan merupakan terjemahan yang dekat ...