36 This man led them out , performing wonders and miraculous signs in the land of Egypt , at the Red Sea , and in the wilderness for forty years . 37 This is ...
36 There was also a prophetess , Anna the daughter of Phanuel , of the tribe of Asher . She was very old , having been married to her husband for seven years ...
36 Now in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha ( which in translation means Dorcas ). ... She was continually doing good deeds and acts of charity . ... 37 At ...
36 Now in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha ( which in translation means Dorcas ). She was continually doing good deeds and acts of charity .
36 After some days Paul said to Barnabas , “Let's return and visit the brothers in every town where we proclaimed the word of the Lord to see how they are ...
36 This man led them out , performing wonders and miraculous signs in the land of Egypt , at the Red Sea , and in the wilderness for forty years .
36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know beyond a doubt that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ .” The ...
36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know beyond a doubt that ... evangelical denomination reprinted a chapter from the book, What Would Jesus Say?
36 “ And look ... Joseph's College, has produced a very readable book that draws its audience into each chapter with relevant, contemporary anecdotes.
37 This is the Moses who said to the Israelites , ' God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers .' 38 This is the man who was in the ...