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It is the authority, power and dignity of our Lord Jesus that is described in His dress. Notice His head and His hair are white like wool. In the Old Testament, ...
Jul 31, 2007 · (2) Kejadian 13:8-13. Ujian: Abraham mengusulkan berpisah dengan Lot secara damai dan menetap di dekat pohon-pohon tarbantin di Mamre.
May 27, 2008 · 17:8 dan Mazmur1:3 yang menggambarkan umat Allah sebagai umat Firman-Nya yang kudus: “Ia seperti pohon, yang ditanam di tepi aliran air, yang ...
Scripture tells us that both the fallen world in which we live and our enemy, Satan, influence us to live contrary to biblical principles. But another major ...
In this section we offer biblically based materials to help you strengthen your leadership base in the women's ministry in your local church.
Quoted in Inerrancy, edited by N. Geisler, p. 8. Matius 13:3. The Sower. Ye sons of earth prepare the plough, Break up your ...
Mar 8, 2006 · Dia bersumpah dalam kemarahannya untuk membunuh Elia, dan Elia melarikan diri, kelelahan dipelarian dibawah pohon juniper, dan memohon agar ...
Juga bisa sangat membantu S. R. Driver, Notes on the Hebrew Text and Topography of the Books of Samuel, 2nd edition (London: Oxford Press, 1983); Hans W.
A Precious Word from God. I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 8 weeks. 3hrs/week. Anchor for the Soul: Studies in the Prophets and ...