How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked ,. or stand in the pathway with sinners ,. or sit in the assembly of scoffers .
May 27, 2004 · The prophet Haggai sounded a clarion call of rebuke, exhortation, and encouragement to his contemporaries. They had begun to rebuild their own homes and ...
2 Why do the nations rebel ? Why are the countries devising plots that will fail ? 2 The kings of the earth form a united front ;. the rulers collaborate.
At the heart of the book of Haggai is the prophet's urgent insistence that the postexilic Jewish community get to the work of rebuilding the Temple. As Childs ...
Oct 31, 2008 · Une histoire est racontée d'un homme qui fut appelé sous les drapeaux pour faire son service. Partout où il allait, il s'accroupissait pour ...
In this first extended eschatological vision of the book, Haggai, in clearly apocalyptic terms, describes the tremendous upheavals that will attend the epiphany ...
May 27, 2004 · According to every canonical tradition Malachi is the last of the prophets in the “scroll of the Twelve,” that is, the 12 minor prophets. This ...
This section is a theological precursor to chapter 18. The people thought that a few faithful worshipers of YHWH would cause YHWH to withhold His wrath (like ...
We are talking about the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is not something that is intended to totally mystify and baffle us. It is something, in the light of ...
约伯记是一本旷世巨著,不懂文体优美,思想深邃,论题隽永,内容丰富,语言精辟,更难得的是它将人生最难应付的现实——苦难——呈现读者面前,从而对这极困扰世人的不解之谜,给予 ...