The book is a collection of oracles, prophecies, and reports; but the common theme is the message of salvation.
As to (2) we know that Nebuchadnezzar made an image of his royal person (salam sharrutiya, Langdon, XIX, B, col. x, 6; compare the image of the royal person of ...
This week I will be speaking on the history of the English Bible. It's a fascinating history and a bloody history. It is high drama—a story that is as much ...
We are talking about the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is not something that is intended to totally mystify and baffle us. It is something, in the light of ...
Jul 6, 2004 · This week I will be speaking on the history of the English Bible. It's a fascinating history and a bloody history. It is high drama—a story that is as much ...
... Salam kepadamu dari Jemaat-jemaat di Asia Kecil. Akwila, Priskila dan Jemaat di rumah mereka menyampaikan berlimpah-limpah salam kepadamu” (1 Cor. 16:19) ...
May 27, 2008 · Rasul tersebut memberi salam kepada jemaat di Kolose (1:1-2), bersyukur kepada Allah untuk iman dan kasih mereka (1:3-8), dan kemudian diikuti ...
In the last session we recognized that practicing what we believe is hard. Why are we so prone to living contrary to what we say we believe?
Mar 31, 2006 · Mordecai adalah “Don Knotts” kitab Ester. Dia jauh dari seorang yang didalam Tuhan dan jauh sekali untuk bisa dikatakan pemimpin rohani.
Dalam Matius 16:23, Tuhan Yesus tidak hanya menyebut Petrus “Iblis” namun Ia berkata kepadanya, “Engkau suatu batu sandungan bagi-Ku.” Kata Yunani untuk “batu ...