You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and you have taken his wife to be your own wife ! You have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites . 10 ...
16 Now as we were going to the place of prayer , a slave girl met us who had a spirit that enabled her to foretell the future by supernatural means .
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mountain called the Mount of Olives ( which is near Jerusalem , a Sabbath day's journey away).
14 Pursue love and be eager for the spiritual gifts , especially that you may prophesy . 2 For the one speaking in a tongue does not speak to people but to ...
16 Now as we were going to the place of prayer , a slave girl met us who had a spirit that enabled her to foretell the future by supernatural means .
2 He said to them , “The harvest is plentiful , but the workers are few . Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest . 3 Go ! I ...
11 This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord , 12 in whom we have boldness and confident access to God by way of ...
12 Now the day was ending, and the twelve came and said to Him, "Send the crowd away, that they may go into the surrounding villages and countryside and ...
12 Because the harbor was not suitable to spend the winter in, the ... Saling Membantu— Kisah Aquila dan Priskila by Richard L. Strauss; Hebrews 12 ...
12 Now while Gallio was proconsul of Achaia , the Jews attacked Paul together and brought him before the judgment seat , 13 saying , “ This man is ...