12 Now while Gallio was proconsul of Achaia , the Jews attacked Paul together and brought him before the judgment seat , 13 saying , “ This man is ...
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mountain called the Mount of Olives ( which is near Jerusalem , a Sabbath day's journey away).
18 After this Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth . 2 There he found a Jew named Aquila , a native of Pontus , who had recently come from Italy ...
1 From Paul , called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God , and Sosthenes , our brother , 2 to the church of God that is in Corinth , to ...
27 When it was decided we would sail to Italy , they handed over Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the Augustan Cohort named Julius .
25 So they came and woke him up saying , “ Lord , save us! We are about to die !” 26 But he said to them , “ Why are you cowardly , you people of little faith ?
Sin, Forgiveness, Faith, and Service · 17 Jesus said to his disciples , “ Stumbling blocks are sure to come , but woe to the one through whom they come ! 2 · It ...
37—50), if not the whole book of Genesis.”[1037]. This blessing rested on God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Each son learned how his branch of the ...
5 Now may the God of endurance and comfort give you unity with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus , 6 so that together you may with one voice glorify ...
11 This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord , 12 in whom we have boldness and confident access to God by way of ...