... seeking is what the Father was seeking, that is to say, someone to ... Reading Of John 4:46–54. "author">Daniel Nii Aboagye Aryeh Perez University ...
54 Jesus did this as his second miraculous sign when he returned from Judea to Galilee . Healing a Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda. 5 After this ...
The book focuses frequently on the nature of the holy LORD God, for at the center of all this material is the per- son and the works of the LORD. This provided ...
son will live ,” and he himself believed along with his entire household . 54 Jesus did this as his second miraculous sign when he returned from Judea ...
54 The one who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life ... This book is must reading for every seminary student, pastor, and interested ...
45 The circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were greatly astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles , · 46 ...
... 54). These two brothers were ready and willing to use God's power to punish ... 35 This is R. C. Sproul's title for a most excellent chapter in his book ...
' 9 But the voice replied a second time from heaven , ' What God has made clean , you must not consider ritually unclean !' 10 This happened three times , and ...
23 But a time is coming — and now is here — when the true ... This book is must reading for every seminary student, pastor, and interested ...
Ken Boa's spiritual study series brings you a teaching journey through the gospel of John. This is the introduction to John. Let's begin with a prayer. Lord we ...