' 9 But the voice replied a second time from heaven , ' What God has made clean , you must not consider ritually unclean !' 10 This happened three times , and ...
32 Then Jesus told them , “I tell you the solemn truth , it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven , but my Father is giving you the true bread ...
66 After this many of his disciples quit following him and did not accompany him any longer . · So Jesus said to the twelve , “ You don't want to go away too , ...
27 Now at that very moment his disciples came back . They were shocked because he was speaking with a woman . However , no one said , “ What do you want ?
They were shocked because he was speaking with a woman . However , no one said , “ What do you want ?” or “ Why are you speaking with her ?” 28 ...
The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit · 44 While Peter was still speaking these words , the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the message . · The circumcised ...
The book focuses frequently on the nature of the holy LORD God, for at the center of all this material is the per- son and the works of the LORD. This provided ...
' Everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to me . 46 ( Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God — he has seen the Father .) ...
Responding to Jewish Leaders · 19 So Jesus answered them , “I tell you the solemn truth , the Son can do nothing on his own initiative, but only what he sees the ...
... 66:5; 143:4). In righteousness, God delivers men (Psalm 71:2). In ... We will then briefly trace the argument of the book through the entire book.