9 I am telling the truth in Christ (I am not lying!) , for my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit — 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my ...
I will pour out my Spirit in those days . 30 I will produce portents both in the sky and on the earth —. blood , fire , and columns of smoke . 31 The ...
30 I will not speak with you much longer , for the ruler of this world is coming . ... He has no power over me , 31 but I am doing just what the Father commanded ...
A writer of more than thirty books follows up a similar theme in 1 Chronicles with twenty chapters on 2 Chronicles (cf. review, TMSJ, 14/1 [Spring 2003]:106 ...
30 If your right hand causes you to sin , cut it off and throw it away ... This book is must reading for every seminary student, pastor, and interested ...
Semua Kebutuhanmu by Lehman Strauss; Hebrews 5 by Bob Utley; 6. “The Pupil Of Your ... A writer of more than thirty books follows up a similar theme in 1 ...
30 When you send your life-giving breath , they are created ,. and you replenish the surface of the ground . 31 May the splendor of the Lord endure . May ...
An Angel Appears to Daniel ; Persia a message was revealed ; called Belteshazzar) . This message ; war . · He understood the message ...
30 “You are to make an altar for burning incense ; you are to make it of acacia wood . 2 Its length is to be 18 inches and its width 18 inches ; it will be ...
11 Therefore remember that formerly you , the Gentiles in the flesh —who are called “ uncircumcision ” by the so-called “ circumcision ” that is performed ...