24 “ Father , I want those you have given me to be with me where I am , so that they can see my glory that you gave me because you loved me before the ...
24 For he gazes at himself and then goes out and immediately forgets what ... “The emphasis in this last section of the book is on living by faith.
Keagungan Seorang Ibu by Richard L. Strauss; The Christian's Present ... The Place of Chapter 24 in the Structure of the Book of Leviticus. John R ...
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly , teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom , singing psalms , hymns , and spiritual songs , all with ...
24 If I had not performed among them the miraculous deeds that no one else did , they would not be guilty of sin . But now they have seen the deeds ...
24 Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying ... The Book of Joel by Imanuel Christian; 1 Corinthians 14 by Bob Utley ...
8 This saying is trustworthy , and I want you to insist on such truths , so that those who have placed their faith in God may be intent on engaging in good ...
24 “They will go out and observe the corpses of those who rebelled against me, for the maggots that eat them will not die , and the fire that consumes ...
24 “ No one can serve two masters , for either he will hate the one and love the other , or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other . You ...
24 For he gazes at himself and then goes out and immediately forgets what sort of person he was . 25 But the one who peers into the perfect law of ...