31 The words of King Lemuel , an oracle that his mother taught him: · 2 O my son , O son of my womb , · O son of my vows , · 3 do not give your strength to women ,.
10 Who can find a wife of noble character ? For her value is far more than rubies . 11 Her husband's heart has trusted her,.
Title, Author, Relevance. 13. A Model For Marriage, Bob Deffinbaugh, 16.03. Lesson 7: Making a House a Home, Vickie Kraft, 6.71.
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ happened this way . While his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph , but before they came together , she was found to be pregnant ...
30 For we know the one who said , “ Vengeance is mine , I will repay ,” and again , “The Lord will judge his people .” 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into ...
Apa yang Harus Diketahui Setiap Istri by Richard L. Strauss; 14. Israel's Worship ... The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 16–31. By. OT Commentaries for Bible ...
25 “ Therefore I tell you , do not worry about your life , what you will eat or drink , or about your body , what you will wear .
3 Therefore , if you have been raised with Christ , keep seeking the things above , where Christ is , seated at the right hand of God .
the one who wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering deceit . 11 And he must turn away from evil and do ...
18 One who has isolated himself seeks his own desires ;. he rejects all sound judgment . 2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding.