2 Now Naomi had a relative on her husband's side of the family named Boaz . He was a wealthy , prominent man from the clan of Elimelech .
4 Now at that very moment , Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters , “May the Lord be with you!” They replied , “May the Lord bless you!
9 Then Boaz said to the leaders and all the people , “ You are witnesses today that I have acquired from Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech , Kilion , and ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 9. The People of God in God's Perfect Plan, Bob Deffinbaugh, 0.09. 5 ...
8 Therefore the Lord brought us out of Egypt with tremendous strength and power , as well as with great awe-inspiring signs and wonders . 9 Then he brought us ...
You may go along beside my female workers . ... 9 Take note of the field where the men are harvesting and follow behind with the female workers. ... I will tell the ...
9 “' If anyone curses his father or mother , he must be put to death . He has cursed his father or mother ; his blood guilt is on himself. ... 10 If a man commits ...
42 You must live in temporary shelters for seven days ; every native citizen in Israel must live in shelters , 43 so that your future generations may know that ...
If he persists , saying , “I don't want to marry her,” 9 then his sister-in-law must approach him in view of the elders , remove his sandal from his foot , and ...
9 It will belong to Aaron and his sons , and they must eat it in a holy place because it is most holy to him, a perpetually - allotted portion from the gifts of ...