21 Dear friends , if our conscience does not condemn us, we have confidence in the presence of God , 22 and whatever we ask we receive from him , because ...
21. The Meaning of Christian Marriage (Ephesians 5:21-32) by Bob Deffinbaugh; 11. Death in the Pot (2 Kings 4:38-41) by J. Hampton Keathley, III; Lesson 63 ...
35 The Lord has made a promise to Israel. He promises it as the one who fixed the sun to give light by day. and the moon and stars to give light by night .
21 The one who despises his neighbor sins ,. but whoever is kind to the needy is blessed . 22 Do not those who devise evil go astray ? But those who plan ...
And his commandments do not weigh us down , 4 because everyone who has been fathered by God conquers the world .
14 Every wise woman has built her household ,. but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands . 2 The one who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord ...
104 Praise the Lord , O my soul ! O Lord my God , you are magnificent . You are robed in splendor and majesty . 2 He covers himself with light as if it were ...
and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord . 21 The one who is wise in heart is called discerning , ... The Book of Proverbs and Ancient Wisdom Literature. ce ...
21 Give greetings to all the saints in Christ Jesus . The brothers with me here send greetings . 22 All the saints greet you , especially those who belong to ...
20 For human anger does not accomplish God's righteousness . ... 21 So put away all filth and evil excess and humbly welcome the message implanted within you, ...