9 For six days you may labor and do all your work , 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God ; on it you shall not do any work , you , or your ...
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32 “You must make no covenant with them or with their gods . 33 They must not live in your land , lest they make you sin against me, for if you serve their gods ...
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20 “Whoever sacrifices to a god other than the Lord alone must be utterly destroyed .
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20 “Whoever sacrifices to a god other than the Lord alone must be utterly ... This essay is a slightly expanded version of a chapter in a book on ...
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Exodus 20 – 31:11 (Decalogue, Sanctuary, Priests). By: David Colburn. 4. Divorce ... This essay is a slightly expanded version of a chapter in a book on ...
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27 The Lord spoke to Moses : 2 “ Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ' When a man makes a special votive offering based on the conversion value of a person ...
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4 The Lord 's message came to me,. 5 “ Before I formed you in your mother's womb , I chose you. Before you were born , I set you apart .
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because in a single hour she has been destroyed !” ... 20 ( Rejoice over her , O heaven ,. and you saints and apostles and prophets ,. for God has pronounced ...
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... 20). By: Jodi Hooper. 11. The Concluding Remarks (1 Thes. 5:23-28). By: J ... book in chapter 49, the prophet's references to. Toward "Shalom" As A Radical ...
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25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon who was righteous and devout , looking for the restoration of Israel , and the Holy Spirit was upon him . 26 It ...
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