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Mar 7, 2006 · Sangat luar biasa melihat pasangan muda jatuh cinta. Mereka tidak sulit saling berkomunikasi, bicara dengan semangat dan meluap-luap selama ...
The Preeminent theme of prophecy is the Person of Christ. When Luther comes to the Book of Revelation and he cannot see Him, that's a problem. When we come to ...
21:28 “What do you think? A man had two sons. He went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work in the vineyard today.' 21:29 The boy answered, 'I will not.
10,13,14 and over 50 times in the book of Ezekiel). The phrase first appears as a repeated refrain in Exodus (cf. 6:7; 7:5; 16:6; 29:46). YHWH acts on ...
May 27, 2008 · Tinjauan Garis Besar:I. Doktrin : Pribadi dan Karya Kristus (1:1-23)A. Pendahuluan(1:1-14)1. Salam Paulus kepada Jemaat di Kolose (1:1-2)2.
Mar 8, 2006 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... suka, aku akan membayar harganya kepadamu dengan uang” (1 Kgs.
Read Jeremiah 14:14-16: Then the Lord said to me, “Those prophets are prophesying lies while claiming my authority. I did not send them. I did not ...
Mar 31, 2006 · Jadwal yang aneh ini karena suatu pernyataan dalam kitab Book of Esther (9:18-19) memerintahkan kalau Purim dijalankan satu hari setelahnya ...
Mar 8, 2006 · Jadi dia menjajakan kasih saya Yakub kepada Lea untuk satu malam hanya dengan beberapa dudaim. (Gen. 30:14, 15). Rasa tidak puas yang sama ...
Kenneth Boa. Dr. Boa is the President of Reflections Ministries and Trinity House Publishers. Kenneth Boa is engaged in a ministry of relational evangelism ...