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Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying, 2"And you, son of man, thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel, 'An end! The end is coming on the four ...
The Preeminent theme of prophecy is the Person of Christ. When Luther comes to the Book of Revelation and he cannot see Him, that's a problem. When we come to ...
Mar 2, 2006 · 26 Aku berpendapat, bahwa, mengingat waktu darurat sekarang, adalah baik bagi manusia untuk tetap dalam keadaannya. 27 Adakah engkau terikat ...
It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
A Precious Word from God. “I am not praying only on their behalf, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their testimony, that they will all ...
Mar 2, 2006 · Semua yang bisa kita ketahui tentang pribadi Tuhan hanya bisa ditemukan dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Dia datang untuk menyatakan Bapa. Pikirkan ...
Pelajaran 6: Seruan untuk Sehati—Bagian I (1:27-30). I. Terjemahan. 27 Hanya, hendaklah hidupmu berpadanan dengan Injil Kristus, supaya, apabila aku datang ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
Apr 20, 2005 · Episode Kedua - (27:5-17) - Ribka menyuruh Yakub menipu Isak. Ini merupakan suatu contoh yang sempurna tentang bagaimana Ribka memanipulasi ...
Mar 6, 2006 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... 27; Isa 6:10; 10:21; 19:22; 52:1-53:12; Jer 24:7; 31:31-34 ...