27 The lazy person does not roast his prey ,. but personal possessions are precious to the diligent . 28 In the path of righteousness there is life ...
8 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives . 2 Early in the morning he came to the temple courts again . All the people came to him , and he sat down and began ...
Admonition to Avoid Seduction to Evil · 5 My child , be attentive to my wisdom ; · pay close attention to my understanding , · 2 in order to safeguard discretion.
27 When they had brought them , they stood them ... Inclusion of a book neither guarantees nor precludes the book's being reviewed in a subsequent issue.
13 A wise son accepts his father's discipline ,. but a scoffer has never listened to rebuke . 2 From the fruit of his speech a person eats good things ,.
27 Her house is the way to the grave ,. going down to the chambers of ... book of Daniel ( 11:12 ). God does not tolerate anyone who thinks so highly ...
I do know one thing — that although I was blind , now I can see .” 26 Then they said to him , “ What did he do to you ? How did he cause you to see ?” 27 He ...
27 He answered , “I told you already and you didn't listen . Why do you want to hear it again ? You people don't want to become his disciples ...
11 This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord , 12 in whom we have boldness and confident access to God by way of ...
27 so that he may present the church to himself as glorious — not having a stain or wrinkle , or any such blemish , but holy and blameless . 28 In the ...