As we approach our study of the Book of Revelation, let us study this prophecy in a way that is consistent with the principles of prophecy that can be learned ...
This is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
H C Leupold, Exposition of Genesis, (Grand Rapids, Baker Book House, 1942) I, p. ... Hal paling tidak umum dari kisah ini adalah peran yang terus dijalankan Naomi ...
As Hebrews clearly states, Melchizedek is a type of Christ through some similarities. Both as king-priests of righteousness and peace functioned as confirmers ...
... book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” Tapi teks Erasmus ...
A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 1-24. Philadelphia ... Pasal 39, Yusuf menolak godaan istri Potifar, menunjukan mengapa dia ...
Apr 11, 2006 · Roma 8:31-39 Sebab itu apakah yang akan kita katakan tentang semuanya itu? Jika Allah di pihak kita, siapakah yang akan melawan kita? Ia, yang ...