41; Ezek. 45;48; Dan. 1:12,14,15,20; Zech. 8:23, the Aramaic form of ... Chapter 8 restarts the Hebrew section of the Book of Daniel (i.e. 1:1-2:3; 8 ...
As we approach our study of the Book of Revelation, let us study this prophecy in a way that is consistent with the principles of prophecy that can be learned ...
This book deals with day to day issues parents have with children such as chores, bedtime, homework or cleaning up “power struggles.” It's a great book: a quick ...
May 27, 2008 · Pertama, karena kasih dan pelayanan tanpa wawasan alkitabiah dan pengetahuan akan kebenaran hanya akan menjadi peniruan yang tipis dan murah ...
Saya mengusulkan S. R. Driver, The Book of Genesis (15th edition), with ... 41; D. F. Payne, Old Testament Exegesis and the Problem of Ambiguity, ASTI ...
e.g., Acts 3:19-22 and 13:16-41) dan Israel akan dipulihkan sebagai kerajaan ... ” Solusi ini berkembang dan tipis. Dalam pembacaan ini h dalam hlyv ...