16 So the soldiers led him into the palace ( that is , the governor's residence ) and called together the whole cohort . ... 17 They put a purple cloak on him and ...
16 When the Sabbath was over , Mary Magdalene , Mary the mother of James , and Salome bought aromatic spices so that they might go and anoint him . · And very ...
15 You must not return an escaped slave to his master when he has run away to you. 16 Indeed, he may live among you in any place he chooses , in whichever ...
Pelayanan, Uang dan Wanita (Lukas 8:1-3), Bob Deffinbaugh, 0.04. John 8, Bob Utley, 0.04. 15. The Second Coming of Christ and the Millennial Kingdom, John F ...
Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not ? Should we pay or shouldn't we?” 15 But he saw through their hypocrisy and said to them , “ Why are you testing me ?
19 Do not avenge yourselves , dear friends , but give place to God's wrath , for it is written , “ Vengeance is mine , I will repay ,” says the Lord . 20 Rather ...
14 Then one of the twelve , the one named Judas Iscariot , went to the chief priests 15 and said , “ What will you give me to betray him into your hands?” So ...
Uang, Uang, Uang! by Richard L. Strauss; 3. Prayer in the New Testament ... He has written 15 books inclu. Authorship And Anonymity In The New Testament ...
25 “ If you lend money to any of my people who are needy among you, do not be like a moneylender to him; do not charge him interest . ... 26 If you do take the ...
14 “ For if you forgive others their sins , your heavenly Father will also forgive you . 15 But if you do not forgive others , your Father will not forgive you ...