20 Now one day , as Jesus was teaching the people in the temple courts and proclaiming the gospel , the chief priests and the experts in the law with the elders ...
10 The brothers sent Paul and Silas off to Berea at once , during the night . When they arrived , they went to the Jewish synagogue .
4 Seven women will grab hold of. one man at that time . They will say , “We will provide our own food ,. we will provide our own clothes ;.
16 Now as we were going to the place of prayer , a slave girl met us who had a spirit that enabled her to foretell the future by supernatural means .
44 Shema was the father of Raham , the father of Jorkeam . Rekem was ... author or compiler of the book of Chronicles, who lived most lik. The Prayer ...
1 From Paul and Timothy , slaves of Christ Jesus , to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi , with the overseers and deacons . 2 Grace and peace to ...
3 I am thankful to God , whom I have served with a clear conscience as my ancestors did, when I remember you in my prayers as I do constantly night and day . 4 ...
You must carefully recall what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and all Egypt , 19 the great judgments you saw , the signs and wonders , the strength and power ...
The Lord is near ! 6 Do not be anxious about anything . Instead , in every situation , through prayer and petition with thanksgiving , tell your requests to God ...
44 Serving beside them were their fellow Levites , the descendants of ... Now such books can be bought in bargain bags from Christian book distributors.