... (65:1-25). The LORD God will be worshipped in ... Verse 7 introduces us to the major theme of this chapter: the LORD Yahweh will help me (ya'azor).
65 Then some began to spit on him , and to blindfold him , and to strike him with their fists , saying , “ Prophesy !” The guards also took him and beat him .
This book forms a balance to the neat maxims of Proverbs that offer success in life ("the two ways," e.g., Psalm 1). There is mystery in life, in nature, in ...
4 Now the man was intimate with his wife Eve , and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain . Then she said , “I have created a man just as the Lord did!
Leave one of your brothers with me, and take grain for your hungry households and go . 34 But bring your youngest brother back to me so I will know that you are ...
But God will surely come to you and lead you up from this land to the land he swore on oath to give to Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob .” 25 Joseph made the sons of ...
constitute the divine Name, YHWH) appears eight times in this chapter, and nowhere else in the book of Daniel. ... “to fly”) or from ףַעָי (ya'af, “to be weary”).
The Book of Hosea portrays the dangers of the observance of religious ceremony without genuine devotion and commitment to the Lord.
There is question whether chapters 1-9 were part of the original form of the book in the days of Solomon because they do not fit under the title; they are not “ ...
The Signs of the End of the Age. 5 Now while some were speaking about the temple , how it was adorned with beautiful stones and offerings , Jesus said , 6 “As ...