Gender includes the social, psychological, cultural and behavioral aspects of being a man, woman, or other gender identity. Depending on the context, ...
Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender. Gender identity can correlate with a person's assigned sex or can differ from it.
A gender role, or sex role, is a set of socially accepted behaviors and attitudes deemed appropriate or desirable for individuals based on their sex.
Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of ...
Gender site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
Gender studies is an interdisciplinary academic field devoted to analysing gender identity and gendered representation. Gender studies originated in the field ...
Gender site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
Sex generally refers to an organism's biological sex, while gender usually refers to either social roles typically associated with the sex of a person (gender ...
This is a list of gender identities. Gender identity can be understood to include how people describe, present, and feel about themselves.
Gender site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
The gender binary is the classification of gender into two distinct forms of masculine and feminine, whether by social system, cultural belief, ...
Gender site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
Gender inequality is the social phenomenon in which people are not treated equally on the basis of gender. This inequality can be caused by gender ...