6.3 How is energy transformed within cells?


Mind Map on 6.3 How is energy transformed within cells?, created by Natalia Lehnhoff Faillace on 13/07/2021.
Natalia Lehnhoff Faillace
Mind Map by Natalia Lehnhoff Faillace, updated more than 1 year ago
Natalia Lehnhoff Faillace
Created by Natalia Lehnhoff Faillace almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

6.3 How is energy transformed within cells?
  1. Glucose is the energy provider. Energy from glucose is transferred to energy-carrier molecules.
    1. Energy-carrier molecules are high-energy molecules that are synthesized at the site of an exergonic reaction.
      1. Like rechargable bateries.
      2. Energy-carrier molecules only capture and transfer energy within cells.
        1. ATP adenosine triphosphate is the most common energy-carrier the molecule in the body is produced during the breaking down of exergonic reactions.Knowns as the energy currency of the cell.
          1. Most ATP is produced in the Mitochondria. Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of the cells.
            1. ATP is not a long-term energy-storage molecule. More stable molecules such as starch in plants and glycogen and fat on animals can store energy for a long.
            2. Energy is carried by electron carried molecules and transfer their high energy electrons to other molecules to form ATP, NADPH, FADH2.
              1. Coupled reactions link exergonic with endergonic reactions.
                1. Exergonic reactions provide the energy needed to drive an endergonic reaction.
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