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Human Design: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation

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The Human Design Systems' newest and first authorized publication is now available for purchase.

The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, by Lynda Bunnell, Director of the International Human Design School, and Ra Uru Hu, Founder of The Human Design System, is a definitive collection of the foundation knowledge in one volume. Based on Ra's work, and with his approval and cooperation, this book is both a reference guide for Human Design students, professionals and enthusiasts, and a step-by step introduction for newcomers as they enter into their own experiment with these practical and life transforming tools.

The Human Design System is a precise map and user guide that gives us access to how we are each genetically and uniquely designed to engage with the world, and how our own inner guidance system for decision-making operates. Never before have we been able to see so clearly the conscious and unconscious parts of ourselves, the true aspects that no one can take away from us, as well as the aspects of self that we have been taught or conditioned to believe are us, but are not.

The Human Design System is not a belief system. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, and a mapping of our genetic code that reveals the mechanics of our nature in such depth that it opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through true understanding and compassion.

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Also, look on Amazon for Human Design, The Rave I'Ching Card Deck by Lynda Bunnell

444 pages, Paperback

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About the author

Ra Uru Hu

41 books46 followers
Ra Uru Hu is the Human Design System’s founder and messenger.

Ra was born Alan (Robert) Krakower in Montreal, Canada on April 9, 1948, where he spent his early years.

After he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree, his career path led him into the business world as an advertising executive, magazine publisher, and media producer. The arts were important to Ra and he expressed himself as a composer and performer throughout his life.

In 1983, he left Canada to travel, eventually finding his way to the Island of Ibiza, where he spent years working as a school teacher.

In January 1987, he had a sudden and unexpected mystical experience followed by an encounter with ‘a Voice’, an intelligence far superior to anything he had ever experienced. This encounter lasted for eight days and nights during which he was given the information for what is known today as the “Human Design System.”

Ra considered himself the messenger of the Human Design System, and dedicated the next 25 years of his life to teaching the System around the world, teaching people how to live a healthy life, how to make the right decisions and live with awareness.

Together with his family, he lived in the United States, Germany and for most of the time on Ibiza, where he passed away in March, 2011.

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Profile Image for Michael.
249 reviews41 followers
September 11, 2022
I made acquaintance with a group of impressive practitioners at a recent retreat I attended, who were all speaking highly of a conceptual approach to self understanding and personal development called "human design". As a well versed "seeker", I decided to look further into this approach and started with this book, certified by the founder of the approach, Ra Uru Hu. By the end of the book, I would have to say I remain ambivalent about this system. Human Design is a "channelled" approach that Ra Uru Hu tells us he received from "the Voice" in 1987, while living in Ibiza. This does not put me off completely, given that this approach has been widely adopted and that the creative process is a mysterious one often arrived at intuitively without "rational" understanding of its synthesis. Human Design combines ancient wisdom traditions of the chakra system, kaballah, the chinese Iching and astrology. As a wide reader on wisdom traditions, this peaks my interest. The truth may in fact be that this system is so deep and complex that I found it difficult to sink my teeth into it with this book. The system relies on a jargon that I found difficult to penetrate and refers sometimes glibly to concepts such as neutrino fields, quarks and leptons in a manner that does not resonate for me. We are introduced to "crystals of consciousness", and a nine centred body graph, with complex gates and channels that are said to be defined by our time and place of birth. In order to access our own charts we log on to a website that calculates our body graph based on this birth data. Our "strategy", "authority", "profile", "definition" and "incarnation cross" among other outputs are calculated and revealed along with the body graph itself that reveals either "defined" or "undefined" centres, based loosely on the chakra system. The book goes on to talk about the various centres and what it means to be born with defined vs undefined centres and active or inactive gates. We are told that we are born with a personality graph (conscious understanding) and a design graph (unconscious understanding) and that much of what we experience is a result of the tension between these two. Looking at my own body graph, I found myself resonating with some of this and not resonating with other aspects. The entire conceptual framework left me at the edge of some insights about the nature of self and our cosmic inheritance. The idea that our minds struggle to "control" our destiny and override our actual energetic self does strike some chords. I am at this point unwilling to dismiss or endorse this system, but I do feel that for most beginning readers this book is not a good entry point to this very complex conceptual system. The chakra system, the Iching, astrology and kaballah are all fascinating wisdom traditions, but this book does not really help us more deeply understand any of them. We are asked instead to attempt to digest Ra Uru Hu's synthesis of all these systems, which would have to be done on faith alone, or on a systemic look at how this system plays out in practice. At this point I will put this system aside for myself, but am not entirely disappointed with the experience of having delved into it.
Profile Image for Malika.
27 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2022
Not hard to read or understand like some have suggested, in my opinion. I enjoyed reading it and learned much about my design. I do wish it went into more detail about the dedication cross. I feel like everybody just wants to profit off of human design and all these tools now. Instead of giving the full knowledge people are charging for it when you can pick up the book. It's the type of book that you go back to for Reference and continued learning. Human design is cultural appropriation and not spiritual.
Profile Image for 二六 侯.
593 reviews29 followers
May 21, 2023

Profile Image for Taylor Nick.
8 reviews14 followers
January 10, 2021
Reads like a text book and is incredibly informative and life changing. Very easy to find the info that applies to your own chart if you have it on hand, which in my opinion is a must. Very transformative! I'm so excited to understand myself and my family in a more detailed way!
Profile Image for Renasains.
54 reviews
April 8, 2023
Human Design System (HDS) adalah suatu sistem pengetahuan yang menggabungkan berbagai disiplin ilmu seperti astrologi, Kabbalah, I Ching, dan teori Quantum untuk membantu orang memahami diri mereka sendiri secara lebih baik dan mengoptimalkan potensi hidup mereka. Sistem pengetahuan ini didasarkan pada konsep bahwa setiap individu memiliki pola energi yang unik, yang dapat diidentifikasi melalui chart atau diagram yang disebut Human Design Chart.

HDS memandang manusia sebagai sebuah sistem yang terdiri dari energi yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain, dan HDS memfokuskan pada bagaimana energi tersebut dapat diaktifkan dan diintegrasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Buku ini menawarkan pandangan tentang bagaimana manusia dapat berinteraksi dengan dunia di sekitarnya secara lebih efektif, serta memberikan saran tentang cara-cara terbaik untuk menavigasi kehidupan berdasarkan tipe manusia yang diidentifikasi melalui chart HDS.

HDS mengajarkan bahwa setiap individu memiliki peran unik dalam kehidupan dan bahwa setiap orang memiliki potensi untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan. Dengan memahami chart HDS mereka, seseorang dapat mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka serta cara-cara terbaik untuk mengoptimalkan potensi hidup mereka.

Dalam buku ini, penulis membahas sejarah, filosofi, dan konsep-konsep kunci HDS secara rinci. Ia juga memberikan penjelasan tentang berbagai macam tipe manusia, termasuk tipe generator, manifestor, projector, dan reflector, serta memberikan saran tentang cara-cara terbaik untuk menavigasi kehidupan berdasarkan tipe manusia tersebut. Selain itu, Ra Uru Hu juga membahas tentang cara membaca chart Human Design dan memberikan tips untuk mengoptimalkan potensi diri berdasarkan chart tersebut.

Sebagai suatu sistem pengetahuan yang kompleks, buku ini cenderung menggunakan bahasa yang teknis dan khusus, dengan banyak istilah-istilah akademis dan ilmiah yang digunakan di dalamnya. Namun, penulis juga berusaha untuk menjelaskan konsep-konsep tersebut dengan cara yang mudah dipahami oleh pembaca, sehingga buku ini tidak terlalu sulit diikuti meskipun pembaca tidak memiliki latar belakang ilmiah yang kuat.

Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan gaya bahasa yang persuasif dalam mempresentasikan Human Design System sebagai suatu sistem pengetahuan yang sangat penting dan bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Dalam beberapa bagian buku, penulis juga menggunakan contoh-contoh dari pengalaman pribadi atau kisah-kisah nyata untuk membantu membawa konsep-konsep tersebut ke dalam dunia nyata dan membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami oleh pembaca.

Buku ini dirancang untuk memperkenalkan Human Design System kepada pembaca yang belum terlalu akrab dengan konsep-konsepnya. Oleh karena itu, buku ini cocok untuk praktisi atau individu yang tertarik mempelajari Human Design System dari awal.

Namun, perlu diingat bahwa Human Design System merupakan suatu sistem pengetahuan yang kompleks dan memerlukan waktu dan dedikasi untuk mempelajarinya dengan baik. Jadi, meskipun buku ini dapat memberikan pengenalan yang baik tentang Human Design System, praktisi mungkin perlu mencari sumber daya tambahan dan mendalami materi lebih lanjut untuk mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang sistem tersebut.
Profile Image for LucyInTheSky.
176 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2023
Sooo... I guess this was interesting. A while back I tried to dive into astrology for a bit. That failed - I didn't really find a good book about it, with a proper introduction but also enough depth. Then somehow Human Design piqued my interest, and I found this book. And it was a whole lot more accessible than everything I've found on astrology! (I could have put more effort in the latter though, to be honest.) It's kinda cool how human design combines all these older systems, like astrology, I'Ching, Kabbala, ...

I've been trying to figure out how I feel towards human design - is this just a load of new agey woowoo stuff, or is there truth to it? I still don't really know now, but it was interesting anyway to read more about it, to see what information could (potentially?) be gained from charts, to look up what this system says about me and people around me.

The book was informative and easy to follow up to section six, then it somehow got very vague. Like reading intentionally very vague horoscopes that could mean anything. The explanatory parts of the book were way better than the more "specific" information about gates and lines. Still made my way through to the end though, yay.

Am I going to dive deeper into this, apply it to my life? Don't know yet. But there are definitely some things I'd like to try and to see what happens. I guess that couldn't hurt anyway.
March 13, 2024
It took me more then one year to get hooked on human design; after that, I wanted to know more, and it seemed like this book is the best entry-level material about human design. So after some workshops and many hours of videos watched online, I started to read this book. 

There were parts of the book that I really enjoyed reading. It seemed beneficial for anyone, as it explained the general differences in our energetic types, our centers, how we interact with each other, and it was helping me to understand not only myself but other people around and the connection we have together. But when I read the chapter about the gates, I was losing attention. I was not really interested in reading all 64 gates and their channels if they were not in my design. To make it more interesting, I tried to look for a person that is close to me and I am really interested in him/her and find the gate or channel defined in his/her channel, but then it was more like research than reading, which you enjoy during a long night, so I skipped some parts of the book as they were not interesting to me at that moment.

So to me, this book is a nice to have if you want to go deeper (meaning as a beginner) in human design, but at the same time, I would use it mainly if you are interested in something specific so you will not get bored by reading some of the detailed explanation, that does not really matters to you at the moment.
Profile Image for Krista.
5 reviews
April 6, 2024
This is a pretty technical and dry encyclopedia which you can use to sort through the aspects of your chart. Basic definitions of Type, Strategy and Authority that you can find online for free, as well as definitions of the energy centers. The section on gates and channels is organized in a helpful manner, with an index that allows you to skip exactly to the gate or channel you want to define. This is an overview, touching briefly on all the aspects, but you will really want to drill down into defining your type and strategy, etc. further in order to really begin to understand the system.
Profile Image for Kat.
69 reviews3 followers
November 9, 2021
I came across human design a year ago and decided to dig deeper. I had my reading in February this year and have been reading and going back to this book ever since. It’s extremely helpful especially for a projector like me. I do wish that it had more information about other aspects but I understand it’s the basic starting point.
Profile Image for Roberta.
209 reviews26 followers
February 11, 2022
Interessante per scoprire questa dottrina, contiene tutto ciò che è utile per analizzare la propria chart.
Peccato per i commenti ignoranti di Ra Uru Hu che vorrebbe essere super inclusivo con il suo minestrone di culti, ma poi si lascia andare al più becero abilismo
Profile Image for Lilie Esot.
6 reviews
January 7, 2018
Savant mélange de diverses sciences dites occultes, c'est épatant. Sujet à creuser ! 👍
Profile Image for Lezlee Hays.
244 reviews36 followers
June 19, 2023
Got curious about the origins of this so I decided to go to the source. An interesting spiritual tool many people find very helpful.
Profile Image for Amy.
276 reviews7 followers
October 28, 2023
Definitely a great way to learn HD! Lots of content, and a great resource to reference again and again as needed.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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