My first Love
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My first Love

Windows XP was literally what pulled me into tech space and it still fascinates me how I still remember our 1st encounters despite being so young back then. I still remember the first time I saw a pc was way back in 2002, I was around 7 years and I didn't know what it was let alone the name pc. I remember we were staying with my cousins and my cousin called me we go see a weird TV at someone's house. we were standing outside his window doing what kids always do, peeping inside and we could see a figure looking like a dog sniffing and words coming up. To us, it was more like a cartoon and we kept on screaming "again" oh and of course, we were speaking Mother tongue, sometimes thinking of it makes us look like Grizzy and the Lemmings.

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If you haven't watched Grizzy and Lemmings you can try check it on youtube.

So later it was when I realized he was using the windows search function in windows XP. since then that interest got stuck and here I am now.

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Compared to the machines we use today it's just incredible, now that everything is going toward USB C Power Delivery it's a game changer. My favourite piece of tech that is no longer in use is the CD and DVDs. I used to have a stack of them with different types of software. You needed a media player or a browser, I had it. Definitely, I was the plug and I loved the attention it brought. There was this one disc I had that was more precious than the rest, ooh yes my precious just like in lord of the rings, This was because it had the drivers for windows XP. back then installing windows XP the drivers were not included so they came in separate discs or you had to burn one yourself(burn means copy ) and Ashampoo was the thing for that, good old days hahaha.

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When you could duplicate another Disc without copying to your PC and it finished 100% you had made it. You were a pro.

Ushering the generation of gaming with NFS Most wanted. This was a thing and everyone wanted to finish the blacklist fast and come out to brag. This was when I came to experience the long chases with cops that could last an hour or so. This was the time you prayed for electricity to be stable and your folks don't call you. They never understood you were in a chase and losing your car was the last anyone wanted.

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Thinking of all this, I'm just grateful for where all this tech has come from and where it's heading. I wouldn't want to miss anything. We hang on now and wish for the good wind to blow our sails to more fruitful adventures.

please feel free to share your experiences below in the comments can't wait to check them out. Cheers.

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