

Komealupiini, arkikielessä usein pelkkä lupiini, on hernekasveihin kuuluva monivuotinen kasvi, jonka luontainen levinneisyysalue ulottuu Pohjois-Amerikassa Alaskasta Wyomingiin ja Kaliforniaan. Eurooppaan komealupiini tuotiin 1800-luvulla koriste-... Wikipedia
Tieteellinen nimi: Lupinus polyphyllus
Yläluokka: Lupiinit
30.5.2023 · Blue-pod lupine or meadow lupine is a 3-5 ft., robust perennial with bold, rich-green, palmate leaves and stately spires of large, deep-blue, ...
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta www.gardenia.net
Lupinus polyphyllus (Bigleaf Lupine) is a robust perennial with large palmate leaves and dense clusters of deep-blue to purple flowers.
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta sparrowhawknativeplants.com
7,95 $ varastossa
Large-Leaved Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) is the queen of her clan with iconic purplish-blue flower spires that can be over one foot long and are adored by ...
Blue lupine is native to the Western United States and, in spite of its attractive appearance, is quite invasive in New England. Numerous garden varieties exist ...
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta www.minnesotawildflowers.info
A spike-like raceme 6 to 18 inches long of ½-inch pea-shaped flowers on stalks about ½ inch long. Flowers are typically blue to violet, but may be pink, white, ...
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta www.dutchbulbs.com
20,00 $ Tuote loppu
Mix of white, blue, pink, yellow or red flowers cover tall racemes spring to summer. Plant in perennial borders, full sun butterfly gardens.
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta www.rhs.org.uk
Lupinus polyphyllus. bigleaf lupin. Strong, upright, deciduous perennial to 1.5m tall, producing a mound of large, long-stalked mid-green leaves divided ...
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta www.waltersgardens.com
This series of Lupine from HM Clause in France is touted as being more compact, more floriferous, and earlier blooming than the Gallery Series. In height, these ...
Lupinus polyphyllus sivustolta www.benary.com
Lupini Red Shades · FastraX perennial: First year flowering without vernalization · Early flowering in late spring · Genetically compact habit · Uniform series ...