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Makedonianmänty (Pinus peuce) on mäntyjen sukuun ja mäntykasvien heimoon kuuluva havupuu. Laji kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Balkanin vuoristossa, yleensä 1 000–2 ...
Pinus peuce sivustolta en.wikipedia.org
They are 6–11 cm long. Its pine cones are mostly 8–16 cm long, occasionally up to 20 cm long, green at first, becoming yellow-brown when mature, with broad, ...
Pinus peuce sivustolta plants.ces.ncsu.edu
An adaptable tree that prefers cold mountain climates and high humidity, but it will perform sufficiently in different locations. It can be kept trimmed in a ...


Makedonianmänty on mäntyjen sukuun ja mäntykasvien heimoon kuuluva havupuu. Laji kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Balkanin vuoristossa, yleensä 1 000–2 200 metrin korkeudella ja muodostaa usein puurajan. Se kasvaa parhaimmillaan 35–40 metrin pituiseksi, ja... Wikipedia
Tieteellinen nimi: Pinus peuce
Yläluokka: Strobus
Uhanalaisuusluokitus: Silmälläpidettävä
Pinus peuce sivustolta www.conifers.org
29.11.2023 · Description. Tree to 35-40 m tall, and 50-150 cm dbh. Bark on young trees smooth silvery grey, becoming darker and rough in middle age; very old ...
Pinus peuce sivustolta www.euforgen.org
Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce) is a conifer found in the mountainous areas of the Balkan Peninsula, where it is one of the most valuable conifer species.
Pinus peuce sivustolta www.iselinursery.com
Beautiful blue needles are long and thin, and densely cover Pinus peuce 'Pacific Blue'. Selected from a group of P.p. 'Glauca' seedlings for its pleasing color.
Pinus peuce sivustolta www.treeseedonline.com
1,10 £ – 10,90 £
The Macedonian Pine is native to the mountains of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, the extreme southwest of Serbia, and the extreme north ...
Pinus peuce sivustolta www.vdberk.ro
Pinus peuce – Macedonian pine, Balkan pine ... A quickly growing conifer with a narrow, vertical manner of growth, and a more horizontal branching pattern later.
Pinus peuce sivustolta sheffields.com
5,95 $
Pinus peuce is widely recognized for its beauty and resilience. It prefers full sun, good drainage, and moist soil. It is an attractive tree that adds a touch ...
Pinus peuce sivustolta threatenedconifers.rbge.org.uk
12.8.2019 · Pinus peuce is a montane pine, growing between (600) 1600-1900 (2200) m above sea level and usually on silicate rock types. In Albania and ...