Tilia tomentosa sivustolta en.wikipedia.org
Tilia tomentosa, known as silver linden in the US and silver lime in the UK, is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae, native to southeastern ...


Hopealehmus on lehmusten sukuun kuuluva puulaji, joka kasvaa luontaisena Kaakkois-Euroopassa, ainakin Etelä-Unkarissa ja Pohjois-Balkanilla. Hopealehmuksen tieteellinen lajinimi tomentosa viittaa lajin lehtien alapinnan ja nuorten haarojen tiheään... Wikipedia
Yläluokka: Lehmukset
Tieteellinen nimi: Tilia tomentosa
Tilia tomentosa, commonly called silver linden or European white linden, is native to Europe and Asia. It is noted for its attractive foliage, which is glossy ...
The leaves are large, coarse, and green with silvery undersides. They are heart-shaped with an oblique base and serrate to dentate margins. Fragrant creamy- ...
Tilia tomentosa · Native to southeastern Europe, western Asia. · Height can reach 135'. · Deciduous tree, 50-70 ft (15-21 m) tall, dense, often with a rounded ...
Tilia tomentosa sivustolta landscapeplants.oregonstate.edu
Deciduous tree, 50-70 ft (15-21 m) tall, dense, often with a rounded crown, erect branches. Young shoots gray-tomentose (hairy). Leaves alternate, simple ...
Tilia tomentosa sivustolta greatplainsnursery.com
40,00 $ Tuote loppu
Silver Linden (Tilia tomentosa). $40.00. Silver linden is a nonnative, environmentally adapted tree for the northern plain states. It grows best in dry to ...
Tilia tomentosa sivustolta mortonarb.org
Silver linden. Tilia tomentosa. Common names: silver linden.
Tilia tomentosa sivustolta www.gardenia.net
Shimmering with each little breeze, Tilia tomentosa (Silver Linden) is a large deciduous tree of usually broadly pyramidal habit adorned with erect branches ...
Tilia tomentosa sivustolta www.pleasantrunnursery.com
Tilia tomentosa 'Green Mountain' blooms in July, producing plentiful inconspicuous flowers which have a lovely strong fragrance, very attractive to bees and ...
Tree to 40 m, dbh 2 m, with a neatly domed habit. Bark pale grey, developing flat-topped criss-cross ridges from about 30 years of age. Twigs with a dense felt ...