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Tieteellinen nimi: Cladrastis kentukea
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta en.wikipedia.org
Cladrastis kentukea, the Kentucky yellowwood or American yellowwood is a species of Cladrastis native to the Southeastern United States, with a restricted ...
Up to 12 inch long panicles of white, fragrant, pendulous, blooms in late spring or early summer and often blooms only every 2-3 years. Individual flowers are ...
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta landscapeplants.oregonstate.edu
Cladrastis kentukea · Broadleaf deciduous tree, 30-50 ft (9-15 m), usually low branching with broad, rounded crown of delicate branches. · Sun. · Hardy to USDA ...
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta www.wildflower.org
7.9.2013 · Kentucky yellow-wood is a small, deciduous tree that rarely reaches 50 ft. in height. It is as wide as tall, with graceful, pendulous branches ...
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta mortonarb.org
Yellowwood. Cladrastis kentukea. Common names: yellowwood, American yellowwood.
Cladrastis kentukea – Yellowwood ... A low branching tree with a wide, round crown that is rarely seen here. Is also sometimes grown as multiple-stemmed shrub.
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta edgeofthewoodsnursery.com
27.4.2023 · This is one of the rarest of our native trees. They tend to be wide-crowned and their bark is gray and smooth. The leaves are a beautiful golden ...
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta www.portland.gov
Cladrastis kentukea · Native to southwestern U.S. · Height seldom exceeds 80'. · Compound leaves with 5-9 leaflets that alternate on the leaf stem (rare for the ...
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta www.uky.edu
Yellowwood - Cladrastis kentukea. Pea Family (Fabaceae). Yellowwood grows throughout Eastern Kentucky, but is most common along the Kentucky River palisades ...
Cladrastis kentukea sivustolta www.gardenia.net
A fine tree for the landscape, Cladrastis kentukea (Yellowwood) is a medium-sized, deciduous tree with a broad-rounded crown of graceful, upward-spreading ...