Ibn Warraq. Ibn Warraq. Recent Articles: Umberto Eco, Carl Jung, Karl Barth and Hitler on Islam and Nazism. July 24, 2023 by Ibn Warraq 22 Comments. “It is ...
Dec 31, 2013 · Warraq counterbalances an analysis of the ravages visited upon European Jews by marauding Crusaders traveling to the Holy Land with discussion ...
Jan 2, 2012 · Ibn Warraq is the pseudonymous, Pakistani-born author of the modern classic Why I Am Not a Muslim and the writer or editor of several other ...
Warraq, who was then based in France and now lives in the U.S., has been publishing books on Islam ever since, and is one of the essential contemporary authors ...
Sep 22, 2013 · Ibn Warraq reveals the ancient scourge of Islamic imperialism -- and why Christians get the blame.
Nov 3, 2022 · Ibn Warraq is a gentle soul, a careful scholar, a superb writer, and a profound and original thinker. The Islam in Islamic Terrorism is not some ...
Dec 28, 2021 · They include Ibn Warraq, the author who has written some twelve ... Pipes: Ibn Warraq means “son of the paper maker” and it was a name ...
Sep 6, 2023 · As Iran edges closer to the anniversary of the September 2022 uprisings laden with historic significance, the regime faces an unsettling ...
Jul 3, 2024 · More news of Iran's brutal crackdown on dissidents — from murders during protests to death sentences and torture. “Two Iranian Protesters Face ...
May 25, 2023 · Second, on the topic of Islam and slavery, the former Muslim, Ibn Warraq in his book THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM on page 85 informs the ...