Commentaries on: "Scientific Proof of the Existence of God" ; Written by: William S. Hatcher ; Publisher: Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:4 (1993), online here
sacred geometry and the babb 's calligraphy. This is an archived post from the old bulletin board. For new posts, see the forum.
searching for name[s] of the architect[s] who designed and built the temple at Willmette. This is an archived post from the old bulletin ...
Sep 27, 2003 · It is important to realize that yoga as taught in the west - everywhere - no matter how secular the approach - contains Hindu rituals, greetings ...
Teaching. University professor for forty continuous years. ... On graduate level, taught courses in functional analysis, topological vector spaces, algebra ( ...
Power of Prayer, The, by Eleanor S. Hutchens, in Bahá'í News, 464 (1969/1975). Reflections on the purpose of humankind, the nearness of God, ...
Commentaries on: "Scientific Proof of the Existence of God" ; Written by: William S. Hatcher ; Publisher: Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:4 (1993), online here
David S. Ruhe was born 3 Jan 1919, the second of eight children, to Percy Bot & Amy S Ruhe of Allentown, Pennsylvania. He received B.S. & M.S. bioscience ...
Oct 23, 2021 · The Syrian Prophet(s) ? Author, Enoch Tanyi. Title of item, The Syrian Prophet(s). Volume, 4:3. Pages, 60-62 ? Parent publication, Journal of ...
Nov 10, 2012 · A letter from the NSA, followed by a biography from Bahá'í World News Service.