Field [EBD]. (Heb. sadeh), a cultivated field, but unenclosed. It is applied to any cultivated ground or pasture (Gen. 29:2; 31:4; 34:7), or tillage (Gen.
When it reverts in the jubilee, the field will be holy to the Lord like a permanently dedicated field; it will become the priest's property ...
He gave them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.
Feb 2, 2009 · Our lives are fields that primarily contain weeds. We cannot produce strawberries. We can mow the weeds, but that effort alone will never ...
West of the Damascus gate called Porta Villae Fullonis. The most probable view, however, is that this conduit was one connected with Gihon, the present " ...
Hebrew. Strongs #02521: Myruh tqlx Chelqath hats-Tsuriym. Helkath-hazzurim = "field of swords" 1) a place near the pool of Gibeon where Ishbosheth's men ...
playing field. archery ground, athletic field, badminton court, baseball field, basketball court, billiard parlor, bowling alley, bowling green, course ...
The use of seed as a figure for God's giving life has OT roots ( Isa 55:10-11 ). The point of the parable of the sower is to illustrate ...
"fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with fish. The result: "dish",etc. displaying, set the max displaying in one page. "20 ...
"fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with fish. The result: "dish",etc. displaying, set ...