fortification, n. ... 1 the act or an instance of fortifying; the process of being fortified. 2 Mil. a the art or science of fortifying. b (usu. in pl.) defensive ...
tn Heb “they heap up dirt.” This is a reference to the piling up of earthen ramps in the process of laying siege to a fortified city. (0.50) ...
tn <i>Hebi> “they heap up dirt.†This is a reference to the piling up of earthen ramps in the process of laying siege to a fortified city ...
inaccessible by height or fortification):-cut off, (de-)fenced, fortify, (grape) gather(-er), mighty things, restrain, strong, wall (up), withhold. see ...
The fortified city (along with the very tops of your walls) he will knock down, he will bring it down, he will throw it down to the dusty ...
They captured fortified cities and fertile land. They took possession of houses full of all sorts of good things – wells previously dug, ...
In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah's reign, King Sennacherib of Assyria marched up against all the fortified cities of Judah and ...
Fences were constructions of unmortared stones, to protect gardens, vineyards, sheepfolds, etc. From various causes they were apt to bulge out and fall (Ps. 62: ...
King Asa ordered all the men of Judah (no exemptions were granted) to carry away the stones and wood that Baasha had used to build Ramah.
Fortified cities will disappear from Ephraim, and Damascus will lose its kingdom. ... The survivors in Syria will end up like the splendor of ...