I'm site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Jan 16, 2024 · I loved discovering Proverbs 12:1 in the NIV: “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.” That means ...
Mar 15, 2016 · Did you know that overwhelmed literally means to defeat completely? I didn't. I though it was a more casual and light-hearted term for being a ...
The solution for the evangelical scholar, of course, is to remain firm in our convictions about the Bible. It is God's word, and as such it is true and ...
Nov 18, 2023 · To the Israelites: “Be strong and courageous! Do not fear or tremble before them, for the Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He ...
I'm site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Jan 10, 2020 · When I'm not sorry, it's because I feel entitled, in control, and deserving. This is contrary to the teaching of Jesus. When I choose to die to ...
I'm site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
May 29, 2018 · One thing I've learned in life, though, is that if we're focused on our fears and anxieties, it's because we're leaving God out of the equation.
Attitudes are definitly hard to change, which is why I'm grateful all God calls me to do is obey Him and trust Him for everything else. 0. Lael Arrington.
I'm site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Sep 17, 2022 · Queen Elizabeth II was generally respected by all. She exhibited integrity, grace, morality, and fortitude. While she had no actual power to ...
When I'm angry or arguing with Him, most often I'm just scared–afraid that He doesn't see me, or that He's disappointed with me, or that He'll never meet ...