To put in order; to form; to prepare. [1913 Webster] · To form by communication of knowledge; to inform the mind of; to impart knowledge or information to; to ...
tn Heb “[is] instruction of wisdom” (KJV and NASB similar). The noun translated “wisdom” is an attributive genitive: “wise instruction.” ...
THESAURUS. instructable. apt, bright, clever, docile, educable, facile, formable, impressionable, intelligent, malleable, moldable, motivated, plastic, ...
Instruction [NAVE]. INSTRUCTION From nature, Prov. 24:30-34; Eccl. 1:13-18; 3; 4:1; Matt. 6:25-30. See: Parables. From the study of human nature, ...
In AV: chastise 21 instruct 8, correct 7, taught 2, bound 1, punish 1, reformed 1, reproveth 1, sore 1 ; Count: 43 ; Definition: 1) to chasten, discipline, ...
These are explanations of different possible translations and rationale for the preferred translation as well as study notes on selected passages. Clicking on ...
Dec 21, 2004 · The instruction is that “slaves are to be in subjection to their own masters.” As a part of the legal system of the day, all slaves were already ...
1. Instruction: didasko, "to teach": The usual word for "teach" in the New Testament signifies either to hold a discourse with others in order to instruct them, ...
“Instruct the Israelites to give the Levites towns to live in from the inheritance the Israelites will possess. You must also ...
CORRECTION - ko-rek'-shun (mucar, usually rendered "instruction," is translated "correction" in several passages): The verb from which the noun is derived ...