May 3, 2012 · Judaism is works-oriented and rejects the atoning work of Christ and His divine nature. Christianity proclaims faith in the sacrificial work of ...
Feb 2, 2009 · There are countless modern parallels to the Jewish-Samaritan enmity—indeed, wherever peoples are divided by racial and ethnic barriers. Perhaps ...
a language spoken by the people of Aram a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the ...
Jun 24, 2004 · (1) God's judgment of men is according to our own standards (Romans 2:1). The Jews have eagerly consented to the condemnation of the Gentiles.
Jan 1, 2008 · The major role of the Gentiles is traced first to the nation of Egypt, which at one time was the most powerful nation in the world. Abram, ...
Oct 10, 2014 · They are written in Akkadian cuneiform, often with Aramaic ink inscriptions. They come from the town of Nippur just south of Babylon. The names ...
Oct 10, 2014 · Jews who had escaped from the Akra fled to Antiochus V and pled for intervention against the conservatives. Lysias returned to attack Judas.
(Heb., usually in plural, goyim), meaning in general all nations except the Jews. In course of time, as the Jews began more and more to pride themselves on ...
Jan 1, 2008 · While it is revealed that the special blindness peculiar to Israel is lifted, the passage does not reveal any distinct enlightenment. The Jew is ...