Hebrew. Strongs #06947: enrb vdq Qadesh Barnea`. Kadesh-barnea = "holy" 1) a city in the extreme south of Judah 1a) same as 'Kedesh' and 'Kadesh' ...
(Kadesh means holy ; it is the same word as the Arabic name of Jerusalem, el-Khuds . Barnea means, desert of wandering.) This place, the scene of Miriam?s death ...
a city of refuge in Naphtali, given to the Levite descendants of Gershon; originally a Canaanite town a town in Issachar given to the GershoniteLevites
Feb 16, 2007 · They failed to trust God to defeat their enemies, yet He had already defeated Pharaoh and the Egyptian army. Second, this generation was guilty ...
search for verses that contains all of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in minimum 1 bible version. phrase ...
The second narrative describes what took place at Kadesh (i.e. "Kadesh-barnea") when the desert wanderings were nearly over (Nu 20:1-13). The flow of water ...
sn Kadesh is Ain Qadeis, about 50 miles (83 km) south of Beer Sheba. It is called Kadesh Barnea in Num 32:8 . (0.94) ...
... Kadesh, and were "compelled to linger on as do the Bedouin Arabs of the present day, in a half-savage, homeless state, moving about from place to place, and ...
Kadesh site:bible.org from bible.org
Sep 27, 2012 · Eventually, they made their way to Kadesh Barnea, a place bordering the Wilderness of Paran in the Sinai Peninsula and the Wilderness of Zin ...