1 keep in the memory; not forget. 2 a (also absol.) bring back into one's thoughts, call to mind (knowledge or experience etc.). b (often foll. by to + infin.
Illustrations on: Remember. Illustrations. What People Forget · The Sea Gull · Christians Need to Look Back. Bible.org. © 2024 Bible.org. All Rights Reserved ...
Men are exhorted to "remember" God's dealings with them, His commandments (Dt 8:2,18; Jdg 8:34; 1 Ch 16:12, etc.), the Sabbath (Ex 20:8), etc.
search for verses that contains all of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in minimum 1 ...
remediation | remediless | remedy | remelt | remember | remember oneself | rememberable | remembered | rememberer | remembering | remembrance. remember oneself.
Feb 2, 2009 · Remember all the happiness that comes your way in living. Forget each worry and distress; be hopeful and forgiving. Remember good, remember ...
Feb 2, 2009 · It is far better to forgive and forget than to resent and remember. Our Daily Bread, Thursday, December 20.
Remember site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Jan 3, 2023 · Principle: God's remembering should motivate us to recall His many blessings. Today, take time to help them remember and recite the prayer of ...
Jun 24, 2019 · In Deuteronomy 5:15, as God is giving His people commandments to live by, he tells them to remember what God has brought them through!
Jul 29, 2014 · In this passage, Peter wants the Christians to refocus on how great their salvation is so they can have joy and persevere. He starts off with “ ...