SHILONITES, THE [SMITH]. are mentioned among the descendants of Judah dwelling in Jerusalem at a date difficult to (1 Chronicles 8:5) They are doubtless ...
Hebrew. Strongs #07888: ynwlyv Shiylowniy or ynlyv Shiyloniy or ynlv Shiloniy. Shilonite = see Shiloh "place of rest" 1) an inhabitant of Shiloh ...
The king refused to listen to the people, because God was instigating this turn of events so that he might bring to pass the prophetic ...
A prophet of Shiloh (1 Kings 11:29; 14:2), called the "Shilonite," in the days of Rehoboam. We have on record two of his remarkable prophecies, 1 Kings 11 ...
Definition: Shilonite = see Shiloh "place of rest" 1) an inhabitant of Shiloh. or Shiyloniy {shee-lo-nee'}; or Shiloniy {shee-lo-nee'}; from 7887; a Shilonite ...
(1.00), 1Ch 9:5. From the Shilonites: Asaiah the firstborn and his sons. Copyright. with all of the words. with the phrase. with at least one of the words.
... Shilonite | Shilonite, The | Shilonites, The | Shilshah | Shimeah. Shiloni ... Shilonite," that is the descendant of Sheluh the youngest son of Judah.
Hebrew. Strongs #08024: ynlv Shelaniy. Shelanites = see Shelah "quietness" 1) a descendant of Shelah. 8024 Shelaniy shay-law-nee'.
Probably "the Shelanite" should be substituted for "the Shilonite" of Neh 11:5; 1 Ch 9:5. (2) (shelach): The son or (Septuagint) grandson of Arpachshad and ...
A Shilonite, 1 Chr. 9:5. ASAIAH [SMITH]. (the Lord hath made). A prince of one of the families of the Simeonites in the reign of Hezekiah. (1 Chronicles 4 ...