BECOME [ISBE]. BECOME - be-kum':. (1) Greek ginomai, used in New Testament for a change of state, corresponding to Hebrew hayah of Old Testament.
search for verses that contains all of the search phrase. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains "fish bread" in minimum 1 bible ...
ROGET THESAURUS. become of. Eventuality. VB happen, occur, take place, take effect, come, become of, come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, ...
You will become an occasion of horror, a proverb, and an object of ridicule to all the peoples to whom the Lord will drive you. (0.82) ...
Jun 28, 2004 · How we almost ruined a great honeymoon. September 1953 to June 1954 was the longest ten-month period that either one of us had ever spent.
Aug 8, 2013 · Expository study of Acts: To be a good person, you must love God and others through a walk of faith in the Holy Spirit.
became (root: become). POS. : Verb (usu participle). HYPHEN. : be=came. COUNT in ... became, past of BECOME. For further exploring for "became" in Webster ...
Dec 10, 2018 · To Be Greatly Used by God, We Must Pursue Godly Relationships. But keep away from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faithfulness, ...
Jul 10, 2017 · Those who are friends of God constantly receive revelation from the Lord through his Word. Isaiah 66:2 says, “'This is the one I esteem: he who ...
Oct 4, 2013 · Expository study of John: Jesus, the eternal Word, is God in human flesh, glorious as the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.