dangerous, adj. involving or causing danger. Derivative. dangerously adv. dangerousness n. Etymology. ME f. AF dangerous, daungerous, OF dangereus (as ...
Jun 25, 2018 · God's presence is dangerous, but essential for His people. God is omnipresent, present everywhere at all times. But here I'm talking about His ...
Dumb . . . or Dangerous? September 1, 2014 / 4 Comments. The latest ... It is dangerous teaching that promotes a god who is all about our ...
Feb 15, 2011 · It is dangerous eternally for a person to believe that God does not exist, or that God is anything other than what He has revealed Himself to be ...
... danger faced by the psalmist. (0.37), (Psa 27:2). 2 sn To devour my flesh. The psalmist compares his enemies to dangerous, hungry ...
It is dangerous to have zeal without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily makes poor choices. (0.86) ...
There is the real danger of being cut off, for while the punishment might include excommunication from the community, the greater danger ...
Jan 11, 2018 · Some of these dangers are more deadly than others. ... Although the Bible allows drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation, it can be dangerous.
Jun 10, 2004 · This is another “dangerous symptom of a deadly distemper in the heart.” Owen says we do this in several ways, two of which are as follows ...
(0.73), Jud 1:12. These men are dangerous reefs at your love feasts, feasting without reverence, feeding only themselves. They are waterless clouds, ...