2 a state of obligation to pay something owed (in debt; out of debt; get into debt). Idiom. debt-collector a person who is employed to collect debts for ...
Apr 4, 2020 · We forgive because God commands us to and because we desire to not displease him or invoke his discipline. Therefore, we must choose to forgive ...
Jul 19, 2013 · Expository study of Romans: As Christians, we should pay our debts, including the debt of love for others, because love fulfills God's law.
Illustrations on: Debt. Illustrations. Credit Cards · Smelly Debt Collector · Young Families In Debt · Furniture from France · Consumer Debt.
Figurative: Debt and debtor are used in a moral sense also as indicating the obligation of a righteous life which we owe to God. To fall short in righteous ...
Jan 29, 2018 · I read your post on tithing. I agree that we should give more than 10%. Yet the Bible says God loves a cheerful giver.
Jan 6, 2021 · In the New Testament, Paul makes it clear that even when one has purposed to give, he or she is not obligated to give what they do not have:.
Feb 2, 2009 · In his 56th year, failing in health, his wife dying of an incurable disease, Scott was in debt a half million dollars. A publishing firm he had ...
Debtor, n. a person who owes a debt, esp. money. Etymology. ME f. OF det(t)or, -our f. L debitor (as ...
Feb 2, 2009 · We were in hopeless debt and Jesus paid the debt for us, Luke 7:41-50, Bank. We were slaves and Jesus came to the marketplace to redeem us ...